What Flooring Concerns Should be Addressed Before Remodeling a Garage?
One of the most interesting aspects of a garage is the multi-purpose functionality that it can provide. Nowadays, almost anything can be added to a garage; living units, home offices, man caves, and home gyms are replacing what used to be considered an uninhabited area. Garage customization projects can sometimes require significant changes to garage space, but before moving forward with a major renovation, one area that must be addressed is the floor. Depending on the purpose you would like your garage to serve, you will want to be sure the style of flooring meets your needs. Consulting a garage building professional could provide insight on what options should be considered.
Plan for Repairs and Restoration
Whether you are planning to add a new surface to your garage floor or wish to keep your current floor in place, it is important to address any pre-existing damages. Years of wear and tear in a garage can result in cement flooring being damaged. Areas of concern such as cracks, holes, uneven surfaces, or grease and oil stains should be addressed before any renovations begin. Although some aspects of the restoration process can be addressed quite easily, others may require the assistance of a professional.
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