Tips on Storing Sports Equipment in Your Garage
As the yearly tradition goes, the calendar has turned to August and children across the country are turning their attention towards the upcoming school year.
Ok, so maybe they aren’t exactly rushing back to their studies; however, their return to the classroom is approaching and a change to the way your garage is used will come right along with it. Soon enough, it will be time to pack up your summer equipment and start thinking about school supplies. Thankfully, to help make that transition as seamless as possible, the Blue Sky Builders are here to offer their advice in order to help you stay one step ahead of things and maximize the efficiency inside your garage throughout the school year.
One of the most difficult things to store in your garage is bicycles. They are usually quite large and feature many oddly shaped parts, like handlebars and pedals, that struggle to fit into the compact places you might wish to store them. Keeping bikes on the ground takes up a lot of room in your garage and is not an efficient use of space. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this problem: hanging bike racks. Widely available in most hardware and sporting goods stores, these racks will typically cost anywhere from $50 to $100 but will be well worth the investment once you realize just how much space you can save in your garage by hanging your bikes on the wall.
This may sound very simple, but there are a few important considerations to keep in mind while hanging your bikes in your garage, including where you plan to park your car and what items will be kept underneath the bikes. Accidents happen and there is potential for a hanging bike to fall if you bump into them, so keep that in mind when you are deciding where you want to place your racks.
Sports Equipment
Once your spring and summer sports come to an end, you may find that you have an abundance of bats, balls, and helmets rolling around your garage floor. This presents a safety hazard for anyone who enters and these pieces of equipment need to find their off-season homes. Our recommendation is to build shelves along the walls of your garage that can support the weight of bins. Inside of these bins, you can safely store all nomadic sports equipment that has been littering your garage floor throughout the summer. Most hardware stores will supply boards of wood long enough to span the length of your garage as well as brackets that you can use to hold the shelves in place.
Not only will your new shelves provide a good home to your sports equipment, but you can also use the shelves to store tools, car maintenance supplies, and even pool accessories.
If you find yourself in need of assistance while organizing your garage, please contact our garage experts at Blue Sky Builders today by calling 630-852-8485. To read more information about garages from your favorite garage experts, visit us online at