Creating the Perfect Garage for the Car Enthusiast

Blue Sky Builders garage improvements for auto enthusiastsSince people often use their garages to park their vehicles, this is the perfect area to work on your car. However, most garages are oriented around storage, so if you will be spending time there while completing your work, you may want to make a few upgrades. Whether you are planning to restore a vintage automobile, looking to make improvements to a vehicle used for racing, or simply want a space where you can perform regular maintenance and tune-ups, you will want to consider installing new equipment or upgrading your garage’s existing features. Read more

Adding a Porch or Patio on to Your Garage

Blue Sky Builders garage patio or porchPerhaps thoughts of Southern homes with white columns come to mind when you think of porches. A porch can make just about any structure look better, whether it is a house, a garage, or even a shed. When attached as part of the garage, a screened-in porch allows homeowners to enjoy the outdoors in the spring, summer, or fall in Illinois while avoiding bugs. Patios have also become popular this past year, especially with many people entertaining family and neighbors outside due to COVID-19 restrictions. With a portable or built-in firepit, a patio adjacent to your garage can be the perfect place to relax and unwind after a long workday or on the weekends.  Read more

How You Can Use Your Garage to Operate a Small Business

DuPage County custom garage builders for small businessesUnemployment rates have increased significantly during the coronavirus pandemic, and many Illinois residents are trying to figure out ways to weather this difficult economic situation and keep food on the table. While using your garage as a living space during this time can provide some benefits for your family, there are also some productiveand lucrativeways to use that space as well. During the Illinois Stay-at-Home Order, a custom garage built for your small business could be just the thing you need to get back on your feet.

Types of Businesses You Can Run Out of Your Garage

Just about any business can begin in a garage, and major companies such as Apple, Amazon, and Disney all started from this unique part of the house. During these challenging times, it is especially important to put careful thought into what types of businesses you can run out of this space. What is essential? What do people need or want right now? There are two main categories of businesses that may be uniquely situated for success:

  • Businesses that provide essential services that everyone needs.
  • Businesses that support people in staying occupied during the Stay-at-Home Order. While not essential, these businesses can provide people with the products and services that will help them maintain their physical and emotional health and stability during this time.

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What Are the Benefits of Converting My Garage Into a Home Gym?

DuPage County custom garage builder home gymNow that Governor Pritzker has extended the Illinois Stay-at-Home Order through the end of May, you may want to give some thought into ways of making your garage more livable. One of the many ways to do this is to convert your garage into a home gym. You could be creative and resourceful, putting together a makeshift workout room with what you already have, or you could look to create a custom garage that includes a functional, fully-featured gym. Whichever you decide, here are some of the best features you could add to a home gym in your garage: Read more

How Can I Upgrade to a Smart Garage Door Opener?

Blue Sky Builders garage door opener smart homeIf you are planning to make use of “smart home” technology, one area that you may need to address is your garage. However, if your garage is older, you may not be sure about whether your electric garage door opener can be upgraded to something smarter. You may be surprised at your options when it comes to converting an existing garage door opener into a smart garage door opener by using a smart garage door controller. This is a great way to customize your garage without breaking the bank. Read more