Tips on Organizing and Preparing Your Garage for the Cooler Temperatures Ahead

DuPage County Garage Renovation ExpertsAdequately preparing a house and its garage for colder temperatures is a critical responsibility that homeowners in the Midwest face every year. While it may seem like a burdensome and inconvenient task, preparing a garage for the winter months is crucial for a garage’s optimal use and functionality through those months. 

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Back-to-School Ideas for Your Garage

Blue Sky Builders (5)While most kids dread the end of summer vacation, the second half of the summer is a time for families to prepare for children to go back to school. After several weeks in which children have been enjoying the outdoors, it is likely that your garage is somewhat disorganized. As part of your back-to-school preparations, you may be looking to reorganize your garage and find new ways to use this space during the school year.  Read more

What Type of Garage Door Opener Is Best for My Home?

Blue Sky Builders (4)As a homeowner, you may not put too much thought into your garage door opener. As long as it opens and closes your garage door without any problems, it may seem like a standard piece of machinery that simply does its job. However, if you need to replace a garage door opener that has worn out or broken down, or if you are planning to build a new custom garage, you may want to look at your options and determine the best type of garage door opener for your home. Read more

What Are My Options for Adding Windows to My Garage?

Blue Sky Builders (2)Garage renovations can come in many different forms. Homeowners can make multiple types of improvements, such as implementing new storage solutions or installing updated equipment. While building a completely new custom garage may be an option for some, others will be looking to make other types of changes that will allow them to get the best use out of their garage. One way of doing so is by installing new windows. This can provide more natural light in a garage, making it a more welcoming space. However, homeowners should be sure to understand their options for adding windows and the potential issues they may encounter when doing so. Read more

How to Prevent Storm and Tornado Damage to Your Garage

Blue Sky Builders (1)During the summer, people in Illinois are likely to experience strong weather, including major thunderstorms or tornadoes. Residents of DuPage County were recently given a reminder of the dangers of summer storms when a tornado touched down in Naperville, damaging multiple homes. While it might not be possible to completely prevent a tornado from causing damage to your home, you will want to be aware of some steps you can take to ensure that your garage can withstand strong weather and minimize the chances of serious damage. Read more

How a Garage Renovation Can Increase Your Home’s Value

DuPage County Garage Renovation ExpertsFor many homeowners, their garage is something of an afterthought when compared to the rest of their home. A garage may serve primarily as a place to park cars and store various items. Since family members do not spend a great deal of time in that part of their home, they may not think about how it looks or other ways they can use the space. However, those who are looking to sell their home at some point in the future may want to consider how they may be able to increase the potential purchase price, and garage renovations are a great way to do so. Read more

3 Things You Should Consider When Using Your Garage as a Gym

Blue Sky Builders creating a garage gymRegular exercise can be beneficial for everybody. However, many people fail to get the necessary exercise simply because they do not have easy access to workout facilities or equipment. If you are looking to get in shape and promote your family’s health and well-being, you may want to create a space where you can exercise regularly and store workout equipment. Your garage may be the perfect place to create your own gym. By following these tips, you can get the most out of your space and make sure you and your family will be ready to improve your health: Read more

Tips for Turning Your Garage into a Guest House

Blue Sky Builders garage guest roomNow that COVID-19 vaccines are being distributed across the nation, more and more people are eager to travel and visit their loved ones. Whether you have relatives or friends planning to stay at your house, you may wish you had more room for overnight guests. If you are short on bedroom space in your house or basement, another potential option worth considering is your garage. Regardless of your budget for home improvements such as this, with the help of a dedicated garage builder, you can find the right fit for you and your family. Read more

What Type of Flooring Is the Best to Use for My Garage?

Blue Sky Builders garage flooringWhen you buy or build a house, there are numerous decisions to make, such as brick versus siding, paint colors, brands of appliances, and flooring. This can also apply to determining how you want your garage to look and function. Although most garages are built on a concrete slab, you do have options when it comes to placing a new floor over it. Whether you are simply storing your vehicles in the garage or utilizing the space as a home office or an entertainment center, it is important to consider the best type of flooring material to protect and maintain your property’s value.   Read more

Transforming Your Garage into a Workout Facility for the Winter

DuPage County garage workout facility tipsThe Chicago-area winters can be especially cold and long. Temperatures can hover at or below freezing from November all the way to March. Although some natives of Illinois may venture outside to get some exercise, many prefer to work out indoors during these months. With COVID-19 restrictions still in place throughout the state, it may be awhile before individuals will feel safe going to a public gym or rec center. As such, now might be the perfect time to consider renovating your garage into a workout area. Whether you want to utilize the entire garage space or just a section of it, there are ways to accomplish your goal of staying fit and healthy.   Read more